Sunday, June 28, 2009

In the Land of Violet: 6 months old

Violet is sleeping beside me...snoring. 
She is exhausted after a long day of picnicking in the park at Trout Lake:

I wish she would wake up, because I want to feed her. Lately, she has been needing a little less breast-milk because we have started her on solids. Even though I plan on breast-feeding her until at least 2 (the recommendation of the W.H.O.), it seems the weening process has begun. It makes me...sad. I remember when she was first born, she was soooo tiny, and all she wanted was her Mommy's milk and lots of cuddles. Look at her sweet angel face on her first day of life:

Violet is quickly becoming a "Daddy's Girl"; so cute! She freezes when she hears his keys in the front door, and lights up like a firecracker when she sees his face! Last week, we went to a Sock-Hop themed wedding reception. We danced the night away! And when it was Violet's bedtime, she fell asleep in her Daddy's arms (even with the 50's music blaring!): 

Violet is quickly developing new skills. She is a rolling-over machine. She sits up, without support. She loves singing and clapping! And a few days ago, Grandpa Dennis and Grandma Rowena started teaching her the basics of crawling, she is catching on quickly! 

Go, Violet, Go!

In other news, Violet's on-again-off-again boyfriend Charlie has asked her to be his date at an upcoming wedding we will be attending, Violet has GLADLY excepted:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for accepting my offer Violet! I hope this makes up for my sometimes wandering eyes... xoxo Charlie
