Moment ago, Violet started choking on a cheerio.
*ugh. scary.

I did not panic---well, maybe just a little.
All of the things that people told me to do if a baby started choking went off like firecrackers in my brain.
The first thing that came to mind was to put the baby "upside down" and bang them on the back(?)! I quickly dropped her head below her stomach and gave her a few whacks; didn't work!
By now, she was not making noise and her face was turning red----!
Oh my god, it was scary!
Then, I think, natural instinct took over.
I plopped her down on my knee, opened her mouth, and fought her tongue to stick my finger down her throat.
The cheerio had lodged itself in a mound of rice cereal that she still had in her mouth. I thought she was swallowing, but I guess she was just letting the cereal collect in the back of her throat. We'll have to stick to just one food/snack at a time until she gets a better hang of this "swallowing" idea.
A few seconds later, she was laughing and giggling as if it had all been a very scary, but extremely exciting game(?)! I think we have a thrill-seeker on our hands:
(Auntie Trisha and Violet)
I just found an "Illustrated Baby First Aid Guide" online, I should have looked at the choking chapter months ago.
Hey lady. Do yourself a favor and invest in some of the "stars". They desolve almost instantly. I didn't give Cheerios to my first till he was almost a year, and will be doing the same with the second. It is terrifying how they can be fine one moment and NOT the next, eh? Welcome to motherhood. I hear it only gets scarier as they get bigger.
Some nutritionist told me it was ok to give her the Cheerios now, screw that! I will give those "stars" a try when I get the guts in a few weeks...or months.